Stradivarius ViolinsAntonio Stradivari

Stradivarius Violins & Antonio Stradivari

For more than three hundred years, Stradivarius instruments have been played, heard and admired by millions of people around the globe. celebrates Antonio Stradivari (1644-1737) and his masterpieces, most notably his violins and cellos. We also provide information about Stradivarius violins for sale, prices, the history of the violin, other famous violin makers, violin sizes, the difference between the fiddle and the violin, and much more. Explore to learn just why this 17th century Italian luthier is considered the best violin maker in the world. is proud to honor the continuing superiority of Stradivarius instruments. This website is for all who have an interest or passion in Stradivari violins including amateurs, students and professional musicians.


Stradivarius Violins

stradivarius violinHandcrafted centuries ago by Italian luthier Antonio Stradivari, Stradivarius violins are regarded as the finest ever made. He was dedicated to perfecting his craft, constantly experimenting with design which are unmatched even today. His best violins and instruments were made during what is considered his golden period from 1700-1725. Stradivari made more than a thousand violins during his lifetime, around 650 of which exist today. His most famous violins include the 1715 Lipinski and the 1716 Messiah.  

Learn more about the History of the Stradivarius Violins.

Learn more about the unique story of individual Stradivarius Violins.

Antonio Stradivari

Born in 1644 in Cremona Italy, Stradivari was a genius luthier showing signs of his violin-making talent at the early age of twenty-two. A passionate and skilled craftsman, Stradivari designed and made impeccable violins and other instruments, earning fame and prominence during his lifetime and long after his death. He has been attributed to perfecting the violin and setting a standard that is unmatched even today. His violins continue to be the standard in violin-making and are played by top musicians around the world. Learn more about Antonio Stradivari.


Violin versus the Fiddle

Many people wonder if there is a difference between a violin and fiddle. To the eyes of a novice, both instruments may look the same. But to the musician, there is a big difference. Many believe it is the style of music. According to famous fiddle players, the violin sings but the fiddle dances. Learn more about the difference between the violin and fiddle and why some of the stereotypes may just be true. Learn more about the Stradivarius Violin Vs. Fiddle.


The first signs of the modern violin appeared in Italian art around 1508. Throughout the centuries, hundreds if not thousands of violin makers crafted these instruments, however only a few contributed to its design and sound, including the Amati Family, Antonio Stradivari and the Guarneri Family.

Learn more about the history of the violin

Learn more about the History of the Stradivarius Violins.